SUN old man; persistent aggressive, straightforward task protagonist is a sand dragon, Wang Sansheng, Sun man's personality played on sand dragon character contrast, contrasting effect through portraits, language, action of drawing techniques portray characters portrayed in the novel When used mainly drawing techniques such as Sun old man, Wang Sansheng portraits depict; language description of the characters action figures Description: If Wang Sansheng buckle gun, bow forward step gunpoint to go straight to the old man's throat. He took the gun, the gun with some people even roll over, ran the elderly Central gunpoint, vivid expression Wang Sansheng eager to win the mood, reckless ?ambition to grasp the character of the rhetorical use of metaphor Sun man's eyes black like two slim and later deeper and more small, like two incense head. this analogy, giving character dynamic, vibrant, on the plump characters play a significant role.2011 book, the most dazzling of the five books worth reading
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